As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. – (1 Kings 11:4).
I was walking the other day because I try to exercise regularly, and I was asking God for what I always think are big things: “I need this…I need that…I want you to get me in this country…I want you to do this…” And the Holy Spirit just said to me so sweetly, “Stop trying and let Me work.”
Have you ever tried to help God? I think when we try to help God, we get into carnal thinking instead of listening for what God wants, and then we can do some stupid things.
After God gave Solomon wisdom, riches, honor and length the days, something happened. I don’t know where he got turned around, but Solomon suddenly decided he needed help God. He didn’t trust God to give him peace with all the nations, so in his carnal man he began to marry the daughters of the countries around him in order to try to keep peace with the nations. But they were idolatresses. And instead of converting to Solomon’s God, the began to turn Solomon’s heart away, and he began to worship their idols. How sad!
Now folks, when we do well, let’s not get into pride saying, “I got this by my own brilliance and my wonderful physique,” but rather we need to acknowledge that God is the source of our blessings. Remembering this is key to keeping us from trying to “help” God; instead, we trust that in His power, all things will come to pass, in His way and His timing.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for all the blessings in my life! I know that You don’t need my help, but that You will use me to do Your will when I quit trying to go my own way!