In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong. – (Job 1:22 NKJV)
A pastor once told me about a man in his church who was an excellent giver. He loved God and stayed true to God, yet his whole business fell apart and he went into bankruptcy.
The man came to his pastor and said, “I don’t have a company anymore and I don’t have much to do, so I’ll just volunteer at the church until God open another door.” He didn’t get bitter. He just stayed in faith, believing that God was going to take care of him.
I don’t know how long this went on, but one day he got a letter in the mail from a place he had worked at 20 years before. The letter said, “We never gave you all of your retirement,” and included a check for $60,000. Folks, that’s what faith can do!
I think sometimes we feel betrayed by God, because we didn’t get a certain answer and God didn’t do it exactly the way we thought He should; the timing can make us so nervous. Just look at Job. Job could have felt betrayed by God. In fact, he did in the first part, but look what God had for him in the second part—double the blessings! So, hang in there, because in due season we shall reap if we faint not. And thanks be to God who always leads us to triumph in Christ!
Jesus, You are compassionate. You care about me. You want me to prosper. You want me to do well. And so, I commit to staying in faith and declare that I will see an end to my problems and I will triumph in Christ! Amen.