
Ask Marilyn–Health and Healing

Q:  Does God still heal people today? I’ve heard that physical healing was just for the first-century Church.

A:  Yes, God still heals people today! I’ve heard that rumor about the first-century Church, too; but I can tell you that God loves us just as much as He loved those, Christians. Jesus’ final words to His disciples included this promise: “And these signs will follow those who believe; In My name they will cast out demons; …they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17, 18).

I’ve seen many, many healings take place, and I’ve experienced healing in my own body as well. It often takes consistency in prayer, standing on the Word, and persistent patience.

Sometimes people plant the healing “seeds” of God’s Word at an advanced stage of illness, and the death process is too far advanced for the life of God’s Word to manifest. It is important to plant God’s Word in our hearts before Satan ever tries to attack us with sickness so that the roots of sickness and disease will have no place in our lives. This is one reason people are sometimes no healed. There are many other reasons, and we don’t know each individual’s discouragement or level of faith for healing. The important thing is to remember that God’s Word is ALWAYS true, and the Word is our standard of truth.

The Scriptures are loaded with dynamite promises for healing. Among these promises are Exodus 15:26; Psalm 91; 103:3; Proverbs 4:20-23; Isaiah 53:4, 5; Malachi 4:2; Matthew 8:16, 17; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 2:24; and 3 John 2.

Q:  Marilyn, I heard you talking about daily health scriptures. What did you mean?

A:  I’m sure you know that Jesus was anointed with power to heal those oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38); you may even be sure that healing is of God. Well, now I want to help you see that walking in divine health is even better! That’s why I take my daily dose of health scriptures—I speak scriptures that affirm the divine health that God wants for my life. Some scriptures that you can use for this purpose are Psalms 91:10; Proverbs 3:8; 4:20, 22; 16:24; and Romans 6:13.

As you confess scriptures like these, they are like a prescription of healing from the Lord. I know that these scriptures will not go forth in your life and return void; I am absolutely certain that they will produce health for you.

Q:  I have prayed and prayed for healing, but I still have the symptoms of my disease. Why haven’t I been healed?

A:  Sometimes when believers lay hands on sick people, the healing manifests instantly. It is a wonderful miracle; but when someone doesn’t recover immediately, it is important to keep your faith in God’s Word and not look at the symptoms.

When healing takes a period of time, it is important to understand that God’s Word works like a seed planted in your spirit. When you plant a carrot seed, you don’t run outside the next day expecting to pull carrots! It is sometimes necessary to stand in faith for a long time; but as you continue to stand, the day will come when healing is evident because the seed will have matured.

We know that all sickness and disease originated with the devil (Acts 10:38), and sometimes demonic personalities manifest various diseases or disorders in people. Nevertheless, believers have power and authority given by Christ to rebuke any such thing (Luke 10:18, 19). When you are praying for yourself or another, “cover all the bases” by coming against Satan and any demonic activity that may be present as well as speaking the healing Word of God to the body and soul. I know an evangelist who comes against all sickness, disease, and infirmity as though it comes directly from evil spirits; and he has unusual success. You do have the victory over all these things in the name of Jesus (1 John 3:8).

Q:  Is it an indication of unbelief for me to follow the instruction of a physician and not lean solely on God?

A:  First of all, God is your healer (Psalms 103:2, 3); and you should depend upon Him, through the promises of His Word, to perform healing on your behalf.

However, that does not mean that you are wrong to take advantage of a doctor’s knowledge. Jesus said that the sick has need of a physician (Matthew 9:12; Mark 2:17; and Luke 5:31). We need to use balance and wisdom in every area of our life, and I believe it is only good wisdom to use modern medicine to aid in the healing of our bodies.

I want to reiterate that all healing comes from God. Sometimes healing comes in a supernatural manner; sometimes it comes through the natural processes of healing with the assistance of the medical profession. Either way, the healing is from Him and He is to receive the glory for it.

2024-07-03T11:15:08-06:00July 22nd, 2024|

Jesus Can Heal and Forgive Sins

No matter who you are or where you are, Jesus wants to heal you. Whether it’s a common cold or terminal cancer, Jesus wants to heal you. Our Lord is no respecter of persons, and He is no respecter of disease. You don’t have to be a preacher or Sunday school teacher, and you don’t have to give half your income to the church before you can receive healing. You just must believe He has enough love, enough compassion, and enough power to do it for you. In Jesus’s day the people accepted healing, but the “religious” didn’t believe He could forgive sin. Today people believe He can forgive sin, but they question His healing power.

Why not accept both? It’s not only scriptural; it’s being proven in the lives of men, women, boys and girls every day.

One day, on the outskirts of Jericho, a blind man came to Jesus for the restoration of his sight.

However, before he came, he overcame several obstacles. The man was just one in a multitude of people—would Jesus see Him? When the man called to Jesus, those around the blind man told him to shut up. Would he listen to them? Would Jesus hear him? The man would have worn a brightly colored robe, which identified him as a blind person and gave him the right to beg for a living. Would he throw away his “security blanket” and reach out to Jesus for a new life of faith and wholeness? The answer to all those questions is yes, and Bartimaeus received his healing that day. Today, I want you to lay aside all the obstacles and circumstances that hinder you and simply believe Jesus. He will heal you if you need healing, and He will use you in healing others.

You can have His compassion, and you can have His anointing.

2019-05-30T06:36:30-06:00June 10th, 2019|
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